What to Expect
When you first arrive, you'll be greeted by new faces that are excited to see you! Each service begins with a mix of energetic and heartfelt worship played by a live band. Feel free to worship however you feel comfortable. The scripture-based message will encourage and inspire you to come closer to Jesus. If you have any questions along the way, our hosts would love to help you!
We love kids
New Hope Kids is our powerful and inspirational children's ministry. It is uniquely designed to share God's Word in a creative, relevant, and age-appropriate way.
Fun, safe, and encouraging, New Hope Kids is a great atmosphere for children from birth through the fifth grade.
Fun, safe, and encouraging, New Hope Kids is a great atmosphere for children from birth through the fifth grade.

Where to Park
Our campus has plenty of parking for your convenience. Just pick a spot!
During times of heavy traffic or extra full Sundays, our helpful parking team will direct you where to park!
During times of heavy traffic or extra full Sundays, our helpful parking team will direct you where to park!
What to wear
That’s totally your call. We have folks dressing in a wide manner of fashion, literally, so you’ll fit right in and feel super comfortable doing so!

what Happens After
Sometimes the gathering is geared to give folks a time to prayerfully respond to the message (feel invited but never obligated), and sometimes we’ll close with news about upcoming events. Either way you’ll feel right at home.
On your way out, stop at our Welcome Desk to drop off your ConnectCard in exchange for a free gift and a bit more information about New Hope. Oh, and don’t forget your kids! We love them, but we’d love if they went back home with you! : )
On your way out, stop at our Welcome Desk to drop off your ConnectCard in exchange for a free gift and a bit more information about New Hope. Oh, and don’t forget your kids! We love them, but we’d love if they went back home with you! : )